DevOps has become the talk of the town these days and enterprises are rapidly adopting its practices within their day to day functions, to enhance operational efficiency. Businesses can gain a variety of benefits; these the benefits are not dependent on the business size or the nature of the company.
Now the question is why should enterprises move into DevOps and what can they gain with this movement? For large scale enterprises, moving to DevOps might seem like a daunting experience, given the series of unknown elements at play within the field. However, if one were to look at the bigger picture, the benefits would emerge to be more than the risks involved.
Customers want convenience in their day to day operations. For this very reason, there is a lot of pressure on enterprises to perform well, while automating their day to day operations. Without the involvement of DevOps and the automation facilities it brings along with, it becomes difficult for businesses to meet customer demands in an ideal scenario.
Resons For Enterprises to Move to DevOps
Continuous Delivery and Quicker Updates: Software updates in the traditional manner can take many hours, which might even span over a few days. However, with the launch of DevOps, the turnaround time for updating applications has become shorter. Faster delivery means that customer-facing applications will not lose their functionality and that any downtime will be shorter.
With the implementation of DevOps, enterprises can implement a more streamlined updating process, which is achieved by bridging the gaps between development, quality assurance, and IT. Using this method, operational performances and customer experience is enhanced.
Enhanced Workflow: Traditional methodologies come with their own set of inefficiencies, which can hamper production. Through automation, manual and repetitive tasks can be automated, so that human errors can be minimized; this would eventually mean that developers don’t have to double check input errors. For example, security risk checks can be automated, which can deftly point out any mistakes within the systems. Through DevOps, these security checks can be run continuously, to avoid having any risks.
Improved Innovation: DevOps is all about driving innovation through the use of agile methodology. Through the use of DevOps, enterprises can get rid of organizational work silos, and further be able to scale systems to meet the ever-changing needs of consumers and developers. As DevOps improves communications between work teams and eliminates silos within the organization, it becomes easier to work towards the company’s unified goals.
Automation and innovation come along with the implementation of the agile methodology, which helps enhance day to day procedures and removes inefficient processes.
Competitive Edge: New methods and the use of agile methodology can push companies forward, helping them to zoom past their competitors. There are numerous automation possibilities with the implementation of DevOps, which means that companies gain an edge over other companies who are still using the traditional methods of production in their day to day operations.
With the option to continuously update applications and gain constant feedback, there is a vast scope for instant delivery and improvement. As feedback channels open up, feedback can be implemented immediately, and enhancements become more active within the system; this undoubtedly leads to better production.
Early Defect Detection: Once the developer checks the code, a unit test is often run to gauge the defects. If a problem is found in the system, it can be reported and fixed immediately. This way, any probability of errors occurring in the later stages can be eliminated, which means there would not be any sudden surprises towards the end of the production line. Defects can be easily managed, and everything is taken care of initially with the help of DevOps.
Overhead Reduction: Less defect accumulation can often help enterprises save a lot of money by catching issues early. If a developer waits until the last minute to detect any possible problems, the chances are that a lot of money will be wasted attempting to identify the source of the problem.
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